Vancouver - City information and Travel Guide           


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 Vancouver skyline

The city was named after British Naval Captain George Vancouver, who explored the area in 1792.
The city was originally named Granville and was incorporated in 1886 and renamed to Vancouver.
As of 2011 Vancouver is only 125 years old. A resident of Vancouver is called a Vancouverite.
Vancouver is surrounded by water from three sides.
Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia (BC) and third-largest city in Canada.
Vancouver is ranked the number 1 most livable cities in the world for many years.

In fact Vancouver has the largest and busyest port in Canada and 4th largest on the continent!
Vancouver is an ethnically diverse city with a large immigrant population. Nearly half of the city's residents claimed to be immigrants from somewhere else.
Vancouver has the highest per capita proportion of Asians of any North American city.
Chinatownis actually the second largest Chinatown in North America (after San Francisco)
Vancouver has the highest percentage of mixed race marriages in Canada! (8.5%)



Vancouver is a major tourist destination - British Columbia attracts an average of 15 million visitors per year.
Vancouver is the birthplace of the one of the world’s largest environmental organizations - 
Vancouver is probably the only place in the world where it is possible to ski, play golf and go sailing, all in the same day.

The Vancouver Aquarium is located within Stanley Park. The aquarium houses more than 70,000 species of marine life.